Its almost christmas, joy-to-ze-world. Its taken me all of three months to manage logging on here to make a new post, which is shockingly terrible. I deserve a thorough beating around my face.
Its been an eventful few months, but those stories belong in the 'Me' tab rather than the 'UNISON:ARC' tab. so yes, suck on that all you viewers who stumble upon this section of the blog purely by accident while googling 'Gandalf v balrog'... shame on you. Though, as searches go, that is a pretty impressive phrase to end up leading people here.
But anywho, just thought I would plug an update here, the UNISON sequel has just broken the 114k word count and is rising! I really really really want to get this done, I'm loving the plot of book no.2 so muchly. Its just so hard to find the time to do this and still manage to get through a Law degree, while also doing extra-curricular shtuff and law-firm applications. How am I going to survive this year is a frequent question in my mind at the moment.
Arrrgghhhh there is just too much to do in this thing we call life. Can someone do some of it for me? That would be tastylishous.
So this book basically has a lot of words. That is just about the only point of this post. Its around 90% complete in terms of my estimated word count and I reckon it will be around 125k words by the end. I hope the simultaneous adventures of Jason Rider and Skye will bring an interesting new character perspective to the mix of personalities in my writing. I have focused on trying to deal with shortfalls in my writing and I feel that the lack of diversity and depth in my characters was in need of improving.
So, if the second book does come along, EVER, and you fancy a read I think you will enjoy the conflict of ARC-partners Skye and Hertz, polar opposites Ridexiel and Apolyon and the powerful Gabriel and Mercurius.
This book will go to the heart of who the Hierarchy really are, what they really stand for and will reveal the 'true' history of creation. Boom. Everything will change in UNISON: ARC, across all the three races, human, hierarch and deymon and everything will lead up to the series finale of book number 3!
I hope I manage to actually get this done within my lifetime!
You are all very pleasing to my face
Merry christmas and all that jazzabaloo
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