12 Feb 2012

"Want a character in my book?"

Never, ever, ever, ever do it... simplez

Seriously though, its all well and good using your friends and family as inspiration for characters but never make a character in your own story a direct representation of someone close to you. The way you see that person will no doubt influence how you treat that character, and inevitably their outcome will be influenced the same way.

A few of my close friends have been translated into my first book and some of the characters still persist into the future story ideas, which is helpful but it works best when you are not strongly attached to that person. If, perhaps, lets talk hypothetical here, not at all related to my own work, totally, you base a character on a particular partner you have at the time, to help spark an element of romance in your writing then I have one piece of advice. REMOVE/DELETE/CHANGE THE CHARACTER.

Should you ever find yourself having done this, which I totally wouldn't, (Blates... >.>) then you may find that the partner of your main character meets an unfortunate end... or... maybe a painful and slow death upon a slowly burning planet...

But we are all rational here, none of us would ever do such a thing, right?

Much Love!
Hoping You Are Well ;D

1 comment:

  1. Oh em gee I did this once, to vent my anger at someone who had majorly pissed me off. They died a rather gruesome death. It was very satisfying, I must say, but not something which should become a habit :D
