29 Mar 2012

UNISON Cover Art

I have to commend the work of the Austin & Macauley Graphic Design department for the quality and brilliance of their work. Finally I can say that I have the cover art for my book and I am amazed at what they have made.

Not only did they create create a really vibrant and energetic design which encapsulates the key themes of the book, but they actually used the little draft idea that I made using google-sourced images and made it 100x more professional. I admit I almost had a mini happy-cry when I realised that this is really happening and its in the last steps of the process before it can actually be bought!

I really want to post the image onto the blog but I think I will wait untill the release date is actually finalised before revealing what it will look like.

Suffice to say that, as I just mentioned, it will look like a professional and originally created version of this
Of course this is only the combination of my spare time, google images and my limit understanding of my dodgy Photoshop. I thought I had done quite an impressive little design here seeings as it was made by me, using only what I could find online. But in the hands of professionals we can see what real Sci-fi / Fantasy cover art can look like.

This will sound a bit snobby, and I don't mean it to, but comparing the design I received today against the work made for the same genre, I think the graphics team have outdone themselves and that makes me feel very lucky.
*N.B: The other writers are so much more skilled at writing these kinds of books so I think I need this edge, to help me get anywhere near to their level of recognition. Hopefully people will be captivated by the brilliant art and ignore the not-so-brilliant writing

Just as a teaser though I will show a comparison of the centre of the image, so you can see my design alongside the professional version.

OMGEEZ THIS IS AMAZING. This has literally made my day, you have no idea. Have had to spend the whole day trying not to do some outrageously girly squeal. But, I digress, enjoy the preview below.
Oh I'm so happy I could die *Faints*

Much Love To All of Ye
Hope Yiz Are Alreet


16 Mar 2012


Right, so, the university's own club venue is hosting a Harry Potter themed night and I am totally going as the Dark Lord himself, though some people have said I would make a good Harry but I outright refuse to go as that unimpressive little wizzardypants. I love Harry Potter, the films and books and all the characters but if I had to 'become one' for a day, it would always be either Lucius or Voldiewaffle. I have already made a wand, and I'm gonna buy a robe and I have... Wait, that's not why I'm here at all! Since my last rant about my love for toys and childhood fictional universes I have realised that my vaguely intelligent blog posts from the early days have melted into a kind of pointless dribble, but I thank you for your attendance anyway, if... anyone is actually... out there? So here it is, my newest INTEGILENT (LOLZ) blog post, and this one is about creating memorable and epic characters that people want to see again and again, or secretly wish they could be... totally not me, ok?!

Where to begin, well my dear flatmate was asking me something along the lines of 'if you could be a film character for a day, who would it be?' and while scanning my brain for notable characters I realised that it is those eccentric and quirky characters, who are packed full of unique mannerisms, that I would immediately grab for. So here are some that I wish I could be for a day with a little discussion on what makes them just so dayum awesomez.

Lets begin with this charming fellow. The almighty Captain Jack Sparrow.
He is quite possibly the most innovative pirate character ever crafted, he is clumsy, camp and charismatic while also managing to exaggerate every single movement by just the right amount to make it funny. Brilliant work by Johnny Depp, a babe I'm sure all would agree. Sparrow is a brilliant fighter, a quick thinker and an all-round impossible spectacle. I say impossible because despite the fact that he always escapes a tricky situation, he does it so unexpectedly with a kind of  'off-balance grace' that makes even the other characters in the story stop just to see if he can really pull off the things that he does.

The great think about what Depp did with Sparrow is he made everything about him unique to the character. Most of his script seems to become a tongue-twister when it comes from Jack, its like a way of creating a false impression of intelligence:

"No. If we don’t have the key, we can’t open whatever we don't have that it unlocks. So what purpose would be served in finding whatever need be unlocked, which we don’t have, without first having found the key what unlocks it?"

Then theres the voice, it has the undertone of a drunken pirate but is coated in Sparrow's attempt to show his intelligence which becomes a kind of drunk middle-aged pirate/lecturer... if that even makes sense.

And the walk! How could anyone ignore it!? Well, maybe its not the walk as such, more the overall motions of any part of his body. He flicks his hair like a woman when he turns, uses his arms to give emphasis to his speech, but in a very limp-wristed manner and while walking very clumsily he swings his arms in a strange wonky skipping rope fashion; though when running this becomes very much the only noticeable feature. This man makes insanity look like fun! (Davy Jones' Locker scenes)

"Why would he do that? Because he’s a lummox, isn’t he? Well we shall have a magnificent garden party and not invite him!"

Many, many people try to impersonate this beauty of a character, I think its a great acting exercise, it is quite a simple character to copy since the mannerisms are so overt, but it technically it requires a lot of focus and awareness of all your body movement, as well as maintaining a convincing voice!


We've had a bit of the impossible hero, now we have the graceful villain.

He is bald, noseless, nimble-fingered and ghoulish. Yet, he is so polite, graceful and a little bit charming, as much as a Dark Lord can be.

Voldie has a habit of sweeping around his location accompanied with slow sweeps of his arms and twists of his hands. Just by looking at the picture you can see that he is very particular with the positioning of his hands. The way he holds his wand in the films is very elegant and boasts confidence, he supports it mainly with his thumb while holding the rest of his hand quite loose.

He speaks very softly, except for the frequent NYEEEHHH, and his voice his almost hypnotic even though it is subtly mocking all those around him. Its a brilliant take on a villain as Voldemort believes he is above everyone and from the moment he regained his human form he already assumed he had won. He has no doubt in his ability but he doesn't even need to show it in order to get that message across. But when he does show it, he becomes much more threatening and a force to be wary of. Its these conflicts in power and personality that make him a brilliant character, kudos to Ralphy. I can't wait to get myself a nice robe and wand and strut around as the Dark Lord himself.

A graceful leader, effortless killer, and powerful wizard who strikes down any who oppose him, when it suits his mood; Voldie really is a powerhouse in the wizarding world. I think a great example of the mannerisms and behaviour of Voldemort can be seen in his ressurection scene in the Goblet of Fire. Though if you fancy a laugh, I also recommend the awkward Draco hug scene and the awkward Voldemort laugh, which are practically the same scene in the Deathly Hallows part 2. Interesting scenes because they are not the types of things you would expect to see Voldemort doing, or, at least, not as Fiennes portrayed him.

Avada Kedavra

15 Mar 2012


How awesome is it when your mum logs in to Facebook to upload a picture of your old toy box that she found in the attic.

I will tell you... It's freaking amazing

Looking at the picture on t'BookFace made me realize that my love for creating long winded action stories started at a very young age.
I remember seeing younger relatives playing with their toys and saw that they just wanted to hit them together and be quite barbaric with them.

I was quite different. For years each of my toys had a character and a role in my early fictional universe. I can still remember exactly what each of then had done in the stories and the relations that the characters had with each other.

I know that probably sounds very unusual but in truth it was just a young boy's way of making stories which were interactive and cured boredom.

It's made me think that from my childhood I have had a well established fictional universe made, which I can still remember and access when I like. Maybe I could recreate this story in writing. The things that went through my head when I was young actually resembles my fiction writing so... Either I have a brilliant imagination, or I have a juvenile writing style. Either way I'm happy :P.

This is the amusing shizzle that goes through my brain when I look at pictures of toys while laying on my wife's bed with a cool hat on. Go figure!

Anywho, that will do! On to Big Bang Theory!

Much Love
Hoping Your Face Is Grand.

5 Mar 2012

Vanguard Omniel

It has taken the full assembly of my Archons to enable me to speak. Yet I still remain static upon my thrown within the citadel of lights.

I have little to say other than that for as long as I remain I vow to watch over every instance of time, devoting a fragment of my body and mind to existing within that temporal moment. Forever watching and forever protecting the past, present and future has consumed all that I am.

Long ago I surrendered what was once my personality, which now lives on within my equal, the Herald Apollyon. I have also seen another who is to be born from my restricted body. He shall be my will incarnate and the instrument of justice and benevolence.

There is much that I know and much that I have seen that I cannot speak of to my children. But I must remain here, blind yet all-seeing and silent in the light of creation.

Jason Rider

My life has never been significant. I quite liked being in the military, though someone like me would never be seen fighting, I'm not really the strong type. No, I prefer to put my time into... Intellectual challenges.

I don't really do the 'social scene'. It took me years of service as a military hacker and technician to get enough money to escape the expanding cities and find an older home which was as out-of-the-way as possible. The world is filled with technology and clinically sterilized buildings which just make me sick. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't survive without my personal consoles and terminals, but having to live with the sound of the air being filtered and the cold ventilation makes me feel like I'm living in a hospital. Out with the tech and in with the Victorian simulated furniture.

My days are spent indoors, checking out the latest conspiracies and keeping my own check on the global government, UNI. I've been doing it a long while so I know my way around the underground online networks. Since the military no longer needed me I have had nothing better to do, I wouldn't have it any other way.

I wouldn't... But the government is happy to do it for me. I am sure that I managed to remove any traces of all the viruses and keyloggers I used to get through the UNI security but apparently their security has gotten much better. I am now faced with a UNI letter which I'm not sure if I want to open. I don't have the energy to put up a fight if they want me arrested... Or... Worse. But I guess I have no choice, I'm just a computer hacker against the global UNI conglomeration. I won't even erase my consoles hacking software. In the end, what is the worse that they could do to a hermit with too much curiosity.

But then again, I almost got to fully read the secret project EDEN hidden deep in their archives, this government is certainly good at keeping things hidden. Next it will be me...

4 Mar 2012

The wisdom of the mother in law

Following the recent blog post of my beloved wife, Rhiannon, I have decided to also fill this little life quiz thang in. The dribble that I came out with will be below. Woot.

1. The prized possession you value above all others.

I struggle to think of any physical item I possess that holds real significant value to me at this time. Seeings as I have recently had my brain meltdown which made me all wobbly and confused for a week I think I would have to say that I value my brain, or more accurately my mind. Without clear cognition and clear mind I struggle to function and realize how much I normally like to do in my day to say activities, though I'm still taking it easy I miss being able to just write loads of fiction and study what interests me for hours. If my mind and brain functions were robbed from me I don't think I could cope!

2. The unqualified regret you wish you could amend

One of the things I aim for in life is to be successful and to make the best decisions for my future, which means I aim to not regret things so it doesn't slow me down. However! I reckon I regret all the times that I questioned myself and wondered if I am living the right way or if I should just throw everything away and 'enjoy' life in the way that most over people qualify as being 'enjoying life'. E.g, insane amounts of alcohol and a f*** it motto for life. But after a recent chat with my dear mother I remembered that my values are my own and what I enjoy is all that matters :). Luv ya mum!

3. The way you would spend your fantasy 24 hours, with no travel restrictions.

Well the travel element is a bit redundant with me because traveling is not really a priority in my life. I'm quite happy where I am. So... 24 hours, what would I do. Well...
00:00 - 9:00: SLEEP
9:00 -10:00: Full English brekky, then ice cream :).
10:00 - 12:00: chill with Liam Neeson
12:00 - 13:00: get George Newbern to give me recordings of his voice.
13:00 - 15:00: be able to fly through the sky
15:00 - 18:30: conquer the known universe
18:30 - 19:30: steak time
19:30 - 20:00: nap timez
20:00 - 22:00: meet up with Zooey Deschanel and Katy Perry. For teh Lulz :).
22:00 - 24:00: be a secksy monkey

4. The temptation you wish you could resist.

To leave my wife and run off with Adam. :P. I love ya both.

5. The book that holds an everlasting resonance

Unison, by me. I'm not just plugging myself as I'm not that gifted with writing. It's just the only book in recent times that I have actually read and can remember :P. My imagination is so overpowering that I struggle to read other books without wanting to make my own version of its events. No disrespect to those writers, cos it has to be decent if it inspires me like that. :)

6. The priority activity if you were the invisible man for the day

Well if I was invisible I would want to do something that nobody would know I was doing. Hence the question, so logic dictates I should not tell you. Soz!
*dons invisibility cloak and runs away*

7. The pet hate that makes your hackles rise.

Blatant lying. Lying to get what you want.

8. The film you can watch time and time again

Mrs Doubtfire
Bridget Jones
Liar liar
In fear of writing forever I shall stop there :P. couldn't decide one.

9. The person that has influenced you most

I'm getting really good here at not answering these questions directly. So I'm going to have to continue this trend. I find that every person I meet and like has an effect on me and I end up having a slightly altered version of my personality that comes out depending on who is around because I want to be able to get on with most people. So I'm afraid I'm going to have to say everyone!

10. The figure from history for whom you would most like to buy a drink

Arthur Conan Doyle. We could have a swift drink, discuss murder mystery and then talk about fairies and the paranormal untill the end of time.

11. The piece of wisdom you would pass on to a child.

Never stop dreaming. Believe whatever you want to believe and never let anyone stop you from doing what you want to do and being who you want to be. The only opinion that truly matters in the end is your own.

12. The unlikely interest that engages your curiosity.

Hmm. I really don't know. I don't think anything I do is particularly 'unlikely'. I like to try everything or always be learning something so I guess that's the only thing I can say.

13. The treasured item you lost and wish you could have again

All the pieces of my green power ranger's (lost galaxy) attachable armor.

14. The unending quest that drives you on.

Becoming a success story to make everyone proud, so I can live a comfortable and relaxed life and pay back my family for all their support and love. + to try everything once

15. The poem that touches your soul

None :S.

16. The misapprehension about yourself you wish you could erase.

Usually I would easily answer this. But in fairness, especially recently, I have realized that I rant about these things so much when in reality what people thinks doesn't affect me. Knowing these things just helps to understand my outward image. I couldn't care less.

17. The event that altered the course of your life and your character.

Becoming a teenager. That changed me into a sadder and darker person than I always had been. Then the first love arc in my life created a true bell curve in my happiness and character. And now I'm just in a state of infinite happiness so this would make me Loubear v5 or something

18. The crime you would commit, knowing you could get away with it.

Murder. But assassination style, and I don't mean sniper-from-rooftop, I mean unexpected wrist blade to the face

19. The song that means most to you.

At the mo, Adele - Set Fire To The Rain

20. The happiest moment you will cherish forever

That's too difficult... I think when I get my book published, that will be the moment.

21. The saddest time that shook your world.

Becoming single probs after 2 and a half years. Sounds stupid, I wish it didn't bother me and I feel silly for how much it bothered me. But just look at me now, I'm happier and more successful in my life than I have ever been!

22. The unfulfilled ambition that continues to haunt you.

Being able to be the lover of every great person I know. At the same time!
Got a few on the go.

23. The philosophy that underpins your life.

Valuing that which makes you happy.
Never solely relying on anything or anyone else to achieve the height of that happiness.
Being myself, no matter what.

24. The order of service at your funeral.

Let's not go there plez. Cheers!

25. The way you want to be remembered.

As me. Nothing more and nothing less.