Following the recent blog post of my beloved wife, Rhiannon, I have decided to also fill this little life quiz thang in. The dribble that I came out with will be below. Woot.
1. The prized possession you value above all others.
I struggle to think of any physical item I possess that holds real significant value to me at this time. Seeings as I have recently had my brain meltdown which made me all wobbly and confused for a week I think I would have to say that I value my brain, or more accurately my mind. Without clear cognition and clear mind I struggle to function and realize how much I normally like to do in my day to say activities, though I'm still taking it easy I miss being able to just write loads of fiction and study what interests me for hours. If my mind and brain functions were robbed from me I don't think I could cope!
2. The unqualified regret you wish you could amend
One of the things I aim for in life is to be successful and to make the best decisions for my future, which means I aim to not regret things so it doesn't slow me down. However! I reckon I regret all the times that I questioned myself and wondered if I am living the right way or if I should just throw everything away and 'enjoy' life in the way that most over people qualify as being 'enjoying life'. E.g, insane amounts of alcohol and a f*** it motto for life. But after a recent chat with my dear mother I remembered that my values are my own and what I enjoy is all that matters :). Luv ya mum!
3. The way you would spend your fantasy 24 hours, with no travel restrictions.
Well the travel element is a bit redundant with me because traveling is not really a priority in my life. I'm quite happy where I am. So... 24 hours, what would I do. Well...
00:00 - 9:00: SLEEP
9:00 -10:00: Full English brekky, then ice cream :).
10:00 - 12:00: chill with Liam Neeson
12:00 - 13:00: get George Newbern to give me recordings of his voice.
13:00 - 15:00: be able to fly through the sky
15:00 - 18:30: conquer the known universe
18:30 - 19:30: steak time
19:30 - 20:00: nap timez
20:00 - 22:00: meet up with Zooey Deschanel and Katy Perry. For teh Lulz :).
22:00 - 24:00: be a secksy monkey
4. The temptation you wish you could resist.
To leave my wife and run off with Adam. :P. I love ya both.
5. The book that holds an everlasting resonance
Unison, by me. I'm not just plugging myself as I'm not that gifted with writing. It's just the only book in recent times that I have actually read and can remember :P. My imagination is so overpowering that I struggle to read other books without wanting to make my own version of its events. No disrespect to those writers, cos it has to be decent if it inspires me like that. :)
6. The priority activity if you were the invisible man for the day
Well if I was invisible I would want to do something that nobody would know I was doing. Hence the question, so logic dictates I should not tell you. Soz!
*dons invisibility cloak and runs away*
7. The pet hate that makes your hackles rise.
Blatant lying. Lying to get what you want.
8. The film you can watch time and time again
Mrs Doubtfire
Bridget Jones
Liar liar
In fear of writing forever I shall stop there :P. couldn't decide one.
9. The person that has influenced you most
I'm getting really good here at not answering these questions directly. So I'm going to have to continue this trend. I find that every person I meet and like has an effect on me and I end up having a slightly altered version of my personality that comes out depending on who is around because I want to be able to get on with most people. So I'm afraid I'm going to have to say everyone!
10. The figure from history for whom you would most like to buy a drink
Arthur Conan Doyle. We could have a swift drink, discuss murder mystery and then talk about fairies and the paranormal untill the end of time.
11. The piece of wisdom you would pass on to a child.
Never stop dreaming. Believe whatever you want to believe and never let anyone stop you from doing what you want to do and being who you want to be. The only opinion that truly matters in the end is your own.
12. The unlikely interest that engages your curiosity.
Hmm. I really don't know. I don't think anything I do is particularly 'unlikely'. I like to try everything or always be learning something so I guess that's the only thing I can say.
13. The treasured item you lost and wish you could have again
All the pieces of my green power ranger's (lost galaxy) attachable armor.
14. The unending quest that drives you on.
Becoming a success story to make everyone proud, so I can live a comfortable and relaxed life and pay back my family for all their support and love. + to try everything once
15. The poem that touches your soul
None :S.
16. The misapprehension about yourself you wish you could erase.
Usually I would easily answer this. But in fairness, especially recently, I have realized that I rant about these things so much when in reality what people thinks doesn't affect me. Knowing these things just helps to understand my outward image. I couldn't care less.
17. The event that altered the course of your life and your character.
Becoming a teenager. That changed me into a sadder and darker person than I always had been. Then the first love arc in my life created a true bell curve in my happiness and character. And now I'm just in a state of infinite happiness so this would make me Loubear v5 or something
18. The crime you would commit, knowing you could get away with it.
Murder. But assassination style, and I don't mean sniper-from-rooftop, I mean unexpected wrist blade to the face
19. The song that means most to you.
At the mo, Adele - Set Fire To The Rain
20. The happiest moment you will cherish forever
That's too difficult... I think when I get my book published, that will be the moment.
21. The saddest time that shook your world.
Becoming single probs after 2 and a half years. Sounds stupid, I wish it didn't bother me and I feel silly for how much it bothered me. But just look at me now, I'm happier and more successful in my life than I have ever been!
22. The unfulfilled ambition that continues to haunt you.
Being able to be the lover of every great person I know. At the same time!
Got a few on the go.
23. The philosophy that underpins your life.
Valuing that which makes you happy.
Never solely relying on anything or anyone else to achieve the height of that happiness.
Being myself, no matter what.
24. The order of service at your funeral.
Let's not go there plez. Cheers!
25. The way you want to be remembered.
As me. Nothing more and nothing less.
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