How awesome is it when your mum logs in to Facebook to upload a picture of your old toy box that she found in the attic.
I will tell you... It's freaking amazing
Looking at the picture on t'BookFace made me realize that my love for creating long winded action stories started at a very young age.
I remember seeing younger relatives playing with their toys and saw that they just wanted to hit them together and be quite barbaric with them.
I was quite different. For years each of my toys had a character and a role in my early fictional universe. I can still remember exactly what each of then had done in the stories and the relations that the characters had with each other.
I know that probably sounds very unusual but in truth it was just a young boy's way of making stories which were interactive and cured boredom.
It's made me think that from my childhood I have had a well established fictional universe made, which I can still remember and access when I like. Maybe I could recreate this story in writing. The things that went through my head when I was young actually resembles my fiction writing so... Either I have a brilliant imagination, or I have a juvenile writing style. Either way I'm happy :P.
This is the amusing shizzle that goes through my brain when I look at pictures of toys while laying on my wife's bed with a cool hat on. Go figure!
Anywho, that will do! On to Big Bang Theory!
Much Love
Hoping Your Face Is Grand.
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